What you measure will improve!
Whether you’re the type of trainer that likes to show off the latest fitness tech or the type that trains clients mostly through calisthenics at the park, there’s no denying that every trainer needs at least few pieces of essential equipment in their arsenal.
From measuring a client’s body fat to timing their 40 yard dash, there are a number of tools that will make your job easier but also make the client’s experience and results better. Let's take a look at three reasons why personal trainers need to be monitoring their clients body composition.
Better understand your clients baseline so you know what they need to lose, gain, or maintain . . .
Body composition analysis is a method of describing what the body is made of, differentiating between fat, protein, minerals, and body water to give you a snapshot of your health. The important thing to remember is that two people of the same sex and body weight may look completely different from each other because they have a different body composition. Body composition describes the amount of fat, bone, water, and muscle in the body. Measuring body composition will tell you the unique makeup and help you identify areas to work on to improve overall health and wellness. The myBVI app measures body composition digitally, and we’re here to teach you the importance in today’s day and age to help users reach their health goals from the inside out.
Helps to calculate caloric needs and create a personalized nutrition plan . . .
Numerous studies support the correlation between overweight/obesity and the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and even certain cancers. Weight loss, specifically through calorie restriction can help decrease both percent body fat and metabolically harmful visceral fat. Through measurements in the myBVI app, nutritionists will be able to understand the degree of over fatness of a client to set effective weight loss goals.
Assess Body Fat percentage to focus on fat loss, not just weight loss . . .
You may not have heard of body composition before, but you’re probably familiar with BMI. What’s the difference? Body Mass Index (BMI) is a common method used to assess the health of an individual by comparing the amount of weight they carry to their height. Despite the widespread use of BMI in clinical practice, BMI has many limitations and is a poor tracking tool for weight change because there’s no way to identify if changes in your weight are in fat or muscle. Predicting health or mortality using a single number such as BMI oversimplifies health risks and ignores important factors that contribute to positive health. When you’re trying to get healthier, you’re most likely focused on losing fat and gaining muscle. Scales or BMI cannot tell you how much of your weight loss is fat, muscle, or body water, but body composition can.
Measure more than just your clients weight with myBVI . . .
By taking a body scan using your mobile phone you can monitor your clients body fats and stats digitally. We all know that BMI and weight alone can't give you the full picture of health. They don't take into account muscle mass, bone density, body composition, and gender differences.